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Writer's picturePaty Sesma

Enough with Rude Kids!

Surveys have shown that 79% of moms feel like they're fading into the background, while 59% of dads wish they could get a bit more recognition from their children. What does this say about the youth in the US?

Teen flipping the finger
Image by Théo rql

Alright, let's get real here. It's infuriating to see kids these days being downright rude to their parents. I mean, seriously, threatening to call the cops on your own mom or dad? That's just next-level disrespectful. And before delving into the issue of rude children being sassy to their parents, let's clarify one thing: there's a clear distinction between educating kids and outright abusing them. While parents certainly have the responsibility to establish boundaries and discipline their children, there's a fine line between educating and abusing. Once this line is crossed, it transitions from education to bullying. This article is not focused on addressing abuse.

The main issue at hand is the behavior of children who display unwarranted sassiness towards their parents, which contributes to a toxic societal environment. This behavior needs attention and cessation as it undermines mutual respect, a fundamental aspect of healthy relationships. It's not complex; it's about treating one another with dignity and kindness, irrespective of age or authority.

Real Data

Check this out: A survey by the Peanut app reveals that a whopping 95% of moms feel totally unappreciated, like they're invisible or something. And guess what? Another survey by The Bump found that a staggering 79% of moms feel like they're just fading into the background – yep, you heard that right, almost four-fifths. But hold up, it's not just the moms feeling the burn. Turns out, according to a survey by Parents, 59% of dads wish they could get a bit more recognition, while a solid 45% feel like they're constantly being judged. Tough crowd, huh?

Given these eye-opening statistics, it's high time we stepped up and acknowledged the tireless dedication of our parents. They toil endlessly to provide us with the basics of life – food, shelter, and emotional support. It's about time we stopped taking their efforts for granted and showed them some genuine gratitude.

What do parents struggle with the most?

Some parents often face immense challenges in balancing work and parenting responsibilities. While they work tirelessly to provide for their families, they may encounter difficulties when it comes to ensuring their children are focused on their studies and not spending excessive time in the streets or playing video games.

Despite their best efforts, parents may struggle to monitor their children's time while juggling work commitments. They may feel guilty for not being able to spend more time with their children or provide the supervision they need.

Additionally, some parents may face judgment or criticism from others who question their parenting abilities or blame them for their children's behavior. This added pressure can exacerbate feelings of stress and overwhelm. Regardless of these challenges, good parents demonstrate incredible resilience and determination in hanging tight when their children claim in rudeness they lack of attention.

Ultimately, all good parents deserve recognition and support for their unwavering dedication to their children's well-being, even in the face of adversity. Their love and commitment serve as a powerful example of strength and resilience in the face of challenges.

Why is my child rude and disrespectful?

Children often disrespect their parents for various reasons. One biggie? They lack basic problem-solving skills, so when faced with a challenge, they lash out instead of dealing with it properly.

Another reason? They simply don't know how to be respectful. Maybe they're used to getting what they want, and when they don't, they throw a fit.

Then there are those with mental health conditions, like ADHD or autism, who struggle to control their anger and end up disrespecting their folks.

And let's not forget about the lack of boundaries. Some kids just don't get that their parents are in charge and deserve respect.

Bottom line: Parents need to step up and teach their kids how to behave. It's about time they learn to solve problems, show some respect, and understand who's boss.

We are often so busy growing up, we forget [parents] are also growing old.

Quotes to Remember

- "The way we treat our parents is a reflection of our character and upbringing."

- "Respect for parents is the highest duty of civil life."

- "Love and respect your parents. We are often so busy growing up, we forget they are also growing old."

Education System's Role:

Because good parents often push their kids to focus on their studies, schools gotta step up and teach 'em more than just math and science. They gotta drill in lessons about compassion and respect too. That way, we're not just churning out brainiacs; we're raising decent human beings who give a damn about others.

So, bring back that civics education. Let's teach kids ways on how to improve society. And while we're at it, throw in some lessons on human values and community work. That means teaching 'em to be kind, empathetic, and tolerant, and showing 'em how to lend a hand to those who need it. If schools start focusing on this stuff, our society's gonna shape up real nice – more caring, more understanding, and less of that "every man for himself" crap.

Bottom line

Listen up, folks. Instead of wasting energy on things that don't really matter, like spewing hate anonymously online or reinforcing the dumbest trend of this generation – the "cancel culture" nonsense where we think we have the power to erase people from existence – or spending too much time on the streets, why not look inwardly and take a moment to appreciate your providers? Take some time to be helpful at home, minimize your screen time, and avoid following trends that you may not even understand or that may turn you into a completely different person.

I mean, come on. These are the folks who raised us, supported us, and put up with all our crap over the years. They're the ones who sacrificed their time and sometimes even their dreams to make sure we had a shot at a decent life. And how do we repay them? By disrespecting them, ignoring them, or worse, thinking we're somehow superior to them? That's messed up, plain and simple.

So, let's cut the crap and start treating our parents and family members with the respect they deserve. It's not rocket science – it's just basic decency. And trust me, when we start showing them the love and appreciation they've earned, we'll all be better off for it.


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