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Writer's picturePaty Sesma

Gen Zs Aging Unlike Fine Wine

Let's take a moment and delve into how the penchant for Instagram filters translates into societal pressures and lifestyle choices that may contribute to the accelerated aging for this generation.

Girl infront of a mirror doing her make up in a pink room
Image by Jakob Owens

Oh, the horror! The TikTok world is in upheaval, and it's not about a dance trend or a viral prank gone wrong. No, it's something far more serious - Gen Z-ers are aging, and they're doing it fast, at least according to some self-proclaimed experts on social media. But hold onto this article, folks, because we're about to dissect this phenomenon with all the bluntness of a grandma's unsolicited advice.

But before we unleash the snark, let's take a moment to acknowledge the existential crisis that comes with realizing you're no longer the face of the fresh-faced teenager you once were. It's a tough pill to swallow, especially when the world expects you to be eternally youthful, like a vampire in perpetual adolescence.

So, what's the deal with Gen Z and their alleged rapid aging?

Well, according to the rumor mill of the internet, it's everything from their skincare routines resembling a chemistry lab experiment gone awry to their obsession with canceling anything and everything that slightly offends their delicate sensibilities. And let's not forget their undying love for online existence, where filters and Facetune reign supreme, turning every selfie into a potential passport photo for a retirement village brochure.

Alright, let's spill the tea on why Gen Z might be aging faster than a cheese left out in the sun! The Gen Zs have been slapped in the face with picture-perfect images on every screen they lay their eyes on. Thanks to celebrities, social media influencers, and beauty brands, they've been sold the idea that looking like a Photoshopped model is the key to happiness.

Now, imagine being bombarded with these unrealistic standards since you were old enough to swipe on your parent's smartphone (probably before you even knew how to tie your shoelaces). It's like being served a never-ending buffet of perfection, and everyone expects you to have a seat at the table.

So, what's a Gen Z-er to do?

Well, it seems like they've taken the advice of these online gurus to heart and are spending their hard-earned cash on makeup rather than skincare. Can you blame them? When the world tells you that your worth is measured by how flawless your contour is, it's no wonder they're stocking up on foundation like it's going out of style.

But here's the kicker: all this effort to look perpetually 21 is actually backfiring. Instead of turning back the clock, they're hitting the fast-forward button on the aging process. It's like trying to stop a leaky faucet with duct tape - sure, it might work for a little while, but eventually, the water's gonna come pouring out.

So, before you start wagging your finger at avocado toast or skinny jeans for Gen Z's premature wrinkles, take a step back and consider the real culprit: societal pressure. It's time to cut these kids some slack and let them age gracefully, avocado toast and all!

Reminder: Aging is a natural part of life, and while Gen Z may be freaking out about the prospect of hitting the big 3-0, they're not alone in their existential dread. Every generation has grappled with the inevitable passage of time, whether it's through midlife crises or the sudden realization that they're too old to understand TikTok trends.

So, to all the Gen Z-ers out there, you may not stay forever young, but you'll always have your memes to comfort you in your upcoming years. And remember, the more natural you stay now, the more gracefully you will age as you embrace the beauty of every stage of a natural, unbotched life.

Cheers! 🍷


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