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Writer's picturePaty Sesma

Tolerance: A Pillar of a Different Society

Embracing tolerance fosters a more inclusive and cohesive society by promoting mutual understanding, respect, and ultimately enriching our collective experience and strengthening social bonds.

Lady smoking
Image by Alexander Grey

Established in 1945, UNESCO is a global organization that works to foster peace and sustainable development through its initiatives in areas such as education for all, preservation of cultural heritage, and promotion of freedom of expression.

UNESCO logo in white and blue
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Despite its global significance, the United States withdrew its membership from UNESCO in 1984, citing concerns about the organization's management and political agendas. Although the United States rejoined UNESCO in 2003 under the Bush administration, it withdrew again in 2018 under the Trump administration, citing anti-Israel bias and the need for fundamental reforms within the organization.

International Day for Tolerance

In 1996, UNESCO designated November 16th as the day we celebrate International Day for Tolerance. This day serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting each other's differences. This landmark decision was preceded by UNESCO's adoption of the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance on the same date in 1995. The Declaration underscored the profound understanding that tolerance transcends mere indulgence or indifference; rather, it embodies the profound respect and appreciation for the rich tapestry of cultures, expressions, and human experiences that define our world.

In a world where things can get pretty chaotic, let's take a moment to reflect on the power of tolerance.

Tolerance, as affirmed in the declaration, acknowledges the universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of all individuals, regardless of their background or beliefs. It underscores the inherent diversity among people and emphasizes that only through tolerance can mixed communities thrive in every corner of the globe.

"Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human."

In simple words, tolerance isn't just about putting up with things we rightfully disagree with; it's more about embracing the beautiful mix of cultures, beliefs, and ways of life that make our world unique. It's all about showing respect and understanding for everyone, no matter where they come from or what they believe in.

The Principle of Limited Rights

Understanding that our rights end where the rights of others begin, and vice versa, is a fundamental principle in fostering harmony and respect within society. This concept, often referred to as the "principle of limited rights," underscores the importance of recognizing the boundaries of individual freedoms in relation to the rights of others. In essence, while we are entitled to exercise our rights and freedoms, we must do so in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights and freedoms of others.

For example, freedom of speech is a cherished right in many societies. However, this freedom does not give individuals the license to engage in hate speech or spread false information that could harm others. Similarly, while we have the right to express our religious beliefs, we must do so in a way that respects the beliefs and practices of others.

This principle also applies to actions that may impact the well-being or safety of others. A very simple example, is that while we have the right to drive a car, we must obey traffic laws and drive responsibly to ensure the safety of pedestrians and other motorists. Likewise, while we have the right to own property, we must respect the property rights of others and refrain from trespassing or damaging their belongings.

By understanding and respecting the principle that our rights are not absolute and must be balanced with the rights of others, we can create a more inclusive and harmonious society. This requires empathy, consideration, and a willingness to engage in dialogue and compromise when conflicts arise. Ultimately, by upholding this principle, we can foster mutual respect, cooperation, and the protection of human rights for all members of society.

Tolerance in Social Media

Based on a study on tolerance conducted by Channel 4 in 2022 and reported by the Daily Mail, the emergence of what is termed as 'YIPS' or 'Young Illiberal Progressives' among Generation Z signals a shift in attitudes toward tolerance and freedom of speech. This study reveals that young people today are less tolerant of differing viewpoints compared to their parents or grandparents. A significant quarter of Gen Z respondents expressed having "very little tolerance for people with beliefs they disagree with," indicating a growing trend towards intolerance.

Moreover, nearly half of this demographic agreed with the notion of "cancelling" individuals whose views they find objectionable. Social media has been identified as a key influencer in shaping this less tolerant culture, with younger generations heavily immersed in online platforms. However, while Gen Z demonstrates a strong concern for social issues such as Black Lives Matter and transgender rights, their intolerance towards opposing views raises questions about the balance between freedom of speech and the protection of vulnerable groups.

The study suggests that this intolerance may stem from the complexities of navigating the online world and its influence on shaping attitudes. Channel 4's research highlights the need for deeper understanding and dialogue to address the complexities of intergenerational differences and the impact of digital culture on societal values.

In conclusion

At the end of the day, tolerance is the key to a stronger, more united society. By being fair, respectful, and willing to learn from each other, we can tackle prejudice and discrimination head-on.

At "a different society," we champion tolerance, respect, and the celebration of diverse opinions, recognizing that there is no definitive "right"or "wrong" answer or comment to any article published on this platform and its social media accounts.


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